Saturday 9 April 2011

Is your Beacon Shining?

When I posted initially about Inspiration, I think I neglected to mention music. Music has a way of speaking to me. I have eclectic taste in music. ( That statement greatly amuses a friend of mine.... maybe more about that another time) Music can affect my moods dramatically and I love that. ( I realise that I'm not Robinson Crusoe in this, but bear with me... I am leading somewhere here) Music can make me laugh, smile, reminisce, feel like dancing, it can make me sing and make me cry ( A LOT of music makes me cry) Music and lyrics make me think too - the messages that they can send can be very powerful.

I heard a song recently - titled "You Can't be a Beacon ( if your Light Don't Shine) " I heard it on a day that I needed to and was meant to hear it. I have heard this song before, but this time,it really spoke to me and I haven't been able to get it out of my head ever since. It's not the music with this song- I'm actually not partial to the nasal drawl or country-fied feel of the song itself - it's the message.  I guess it's reinforcing what I've talked about before - that we need to behave/think/act like we wish others to - to lead by example.

I feel this is something I really need to work on at the moment - and I guess that song was presented to me for a reason. How can I expect my kids to treat each other with patience and kindness and tenderness - when they are not seeing those around them practice this way of communicating. Lately I have been letting the little things get to me and have been reacting in a not so exemplary way - especially where the kids are concerned. How can I then reprimand them for their behaviours when they are simply replicating mine? It is a true awakening for me some days.

You can't be a beacon if your light don't shine
You can't be a beacon if your light don't shine
There's a little light in all of us by God's design
But you can't be a beacon if your light don't shine

How can you ask for truth when you do not truthful live
How can you ask forgiveness when you don't forgive
I don't mean to bring you down or speak to you unkind
But you can't be a beacon if your light don't shine

You can't be a beacon if your light don't shine
You can't be a beacon if your light don't shine
There's a little light in all of us by God's design
And you can't be a beacon if your light don't shine

How can you ask a child to be honest and true
When he can only judge what's right by what he sees in you
How can you offer vision yet walk around blind
No you can't see a beacon if it's light don't shine

You can't be a beacon if your light don't shine
You can't be a beacon if your light don't shine
There's a little light in all of us by God's design
You can't be a beacon if your light don't shine

May God's love surround you, may you find a brighter day
May He grant you the peace you seek in every way
God's light burns in each life, in yours and mine
And you can be a beacon if you just let it shine

You can be a beacon if you let it shine
You can be a beacon if you let it shine
There's a little light in all of us by God's design
And you can be a beacon if you'll just let it shine

You can be a beacon if you let it shine
You can be a beacon if you let it shine
There's a little light in all of us by God's design
And you can be a beacon if you let it shine

I think we can all learn something from this - for the better we are/act/feel then the more we shine - which in turn,  then reflects in others.
You light the way.
You become the shining example.

I hope I will continue to be reminded, to grow and 
to shine much brighter

Danni xx


  1. I hear you, my beacon is often out.

    Its just not possible to be together all the time. Some of the greatest parenting momments has been when I said sorry to the kids. Modelling how to accept failure is an important part of life. They adore it when i call myself cranky pants.

    I'm sure 95% of the time you are a wonderful beacon.

  2. Thanks Rowena- had one of those "sorry" moments today. Finn came up to me a few hours later and said " I'm sorry for making you upset Mumma" - I must be doing something right!
    You are so right about accepting failure - thanks for the reminder!
    K xx


Thank you for taking the time to read and leave a message! I love hearing from you

Danni xx