Wednesday 20 April 2011


Oh my!
Where do I begin? I am living amongst chaos and mayhem at the moment and it's starting to get overwhelming! The "renovations" are coming along - the tiling is looking fab - and is being done in bits and pieces ( to suit our lovely tiler and ourselves) This means that we are moving furniture from one room to the next as it gets it's makeover - with paths that we can walk on mapped out like disjointed xrays
The kids are loving it in one way and making the most of the mayhem to get away with as much as they can. This is what's getting to me. Not only is my home a dust-filled junk pile ( well... not completely - but that's how it feels at the moment!) - but the kids are really pushing my buttons! So much for patience and self control - again - not strengths at the moment....
We have also had visitors galore these past three weeks - I usually love having people here - but if you could see this place - you'd understand... and they all seem to be coming back to back! First the Big Cheese's Mum came for the weekend... the following was his Dad... and 2 days after that his (ex) Step-Mum ( the kids' Grandma) came to stay for 2 nights! The kids just adore their Grandparents and have different relationships with each one. It's interesting to observe there interactions and little private "in-jokes" together...
But I digress....
Well... actually no - see the power of blogging!???!
On the plus side - my tiles look great  and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel - can't wait to share pics of the new look!
I just wish I could see what it is all going to look like finished now!

Danni xx


  1. This too shall pass- hopefully very quickly!! Take a deep breath and hang in there. Love you xoxoxoxo

  2. You are a BETTER PERSON than me.

  3. look at you, still keeping the doors open for everyone!!! you have a big big heart my friend. but you know it would be ok to say "no" or at least "maybe some other time" next time!! but i agree with felicity: hang in there it will pass!


Thank you for taking the time to read and leave a message! I love hearing from you

Danni xx