Tuesday 5 April 2011

7 things about me....

that you may not know....

1. I HAVE to read every night before going to sleep -
no matter how late, no matter how exhausted...
 no matter how many daiquiris.
I normally have about 4 books on the go at any given time

2. I could eat pasta every.night.of.the.week...
love it

3. I love the colour blue - ANY colour blue - I love it -
I find it calming and peaceful
I always gravitate towards it

4. I am probably the biggest
 and best
procrasinator in the world

5. When plating up dinner,
 the Big Cheese's plate always has to be on the left,
... mine on the right

6. I still wash up in the order that was taught to me in Home Economics -
 Glass, Cutlery, China, Plastic, Wooden, Pots and Pans

7. Autumn is my FAVOURITE time of the year - I just love it
( Closely followed by Spring of course)

Want to share something about you with me?

Danni xx

1 comment:

  1. I still think about Home Ec everytime I wash up. I especially think about it when my hubby washes up and doesn't follow the rules... So be it at least its not me doing the washing.

    I love blue too!


Thank you for taking the time to read and leave a message! I love hearing from you

Danni xx