Friday 22 April 2011

Easter Hat Parade..


Finn had his very first Easter Hat Parade and Concert this week at Preschool!
He took his "Lello" cardboard to make his hat. He practiced his singing and dance moves. He was so very excited that both Nanny and Grandma were coming to watch him. He couldn't wait.

Until we got there! There were tears initially but they subsided long enough to convince him all was ok. Out he came in his group holding onto his very tall lello hat - smiling until he spotted me - then he bolted and cried all the way into my arms. Poor baby - performing doesn't seem to be his thing.

Once the "parade" had finished I managed to convince him to join in the "concert" part by moving and sitting right down the very front... He lasted 2 songs.


My darling girl Ruby decided she was going to join in - so up she went - stood next to her brother at first - and moved along to all the dance moves and sang the songs like she'd been practicing for months! It was hilarious - Thank Goodness  Finn's teachers know her and have a good sense of humour! She stole the show!!!

I think Finns face in this last photo says it all really!

Danni xx

1 comment:

  1. oh, bless them!! so adorable! and i can so relate. you know jan ... and tim is just like your little girl! must be the second born-thing? i don't know. well, finn, you are a boy with soooo many talents, once you have figured that out, you'll be unstoppable! never forget that!


Thank you for taking the time to read and leave a message! I love hearing from you

Danni xx