Monday 11 April 2011

Sub-Urban Camping

Finn has been wanting to "camp" for a while now. He just casually mentions it from time to time. When he knew his Gran was visiting for the weekend, out of nowhere, he asked if she had a tent. The Big Cheese told him that Gran did have a couple of old tents from when he was a boy.

And so... an idea was born.

Gran decided to invest in a new 3 man tent and brought that with her. Finn was beside himself with excitement!

So, while Ruby and I nursed our head colds in the comfort and warmth of our beds... and Gran was tucked up in the spare room, Finn and the Big Cheese camped out in the back yard!

Just between you and me - I think the Big Cheese was pretty excited about it too - he couldn't wait to pitch the tent!

Finn just couldn't WAIT!

Just testing Mum!

Mum, I think this is going to be pretty cool! 

He was loving listening to Gran and the Big Cheese tell funny stories of when they camped years ago... then he decided it was his turn to tell a story to us... it went something like this:

"... well... one day, I was just jumping on my trampoline....
and SUDDENLY... I felled off ...."

He amused himself... and I have to say Gran and I stifled a laugh! So out they went at 7ish - torches, pillows and Finn's night-time reading in hand... ready for the big adventure! I wanted to come out and take a photo.... but no girls were allowed! 

 We were half expecting them back in by 9pm.. but he didn't wake up until 4.30am and all he wanted to do then was sit in a chair and look at the stars with his Daddy....

Could think of worse ways to wake up!
Danni xx

1 comment:

  1. I think they will both remember that for the rest of their lives- priceless xoxoxo


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Danni xx