Sunday 11 December 2011

A Christmas tradition....

Each year we gather in my Mum's kitchen to
It's part of our family's Christmas Tradition
( Even if you aren't able to be there physically -
you "stir the pud" by proxy - usually over the phone )

My Mum makes her family's recipe for her boiled ( in calico)
Christmas Pudding
~ complete with 7 threepences and 2 sixpences ~
which, when found you must return in exchange for modern
currency so that the tradition can continue next year!

( I should also add at this point - that one of the steps in the recipe
calls for a couple of tablespoons of Guinness.... now, my Mum is
a HUGE fan of Guinness 
 [ and not solely for medicinal purposes either!!]
This year, she [proudly] declared that you can't just buy
a four pack of cans of Guinness any more -
so she HAD to buy a six pack!!!!!
Maybe that's her secret for looking so good at nearly 80!)


We each take a turn of making a wish
as we stir the coins into the pudding mixture
I was first this year

It was great to see Finn so actively involved and excited
- he was keen to learn the little verse that MUST be recited
as we stir....
Nanny helped him

 "I wish, I wish,my wish comes true....
I wish, I wish the same to you!"

I can't wait to continue this tradition
and hope that it will continue through the generations

What are your family traditions
at Christmas time ?

Danni xx

1 comment:

  1. This is what memories are made of!!! I remember christmas times shared with your family eating said pudding and exchanging said coins...those were some very special christmases!!! xxxx Thinking of you this year!! xxx


Thank you for taking the time to read and leave a message! I love hearing from you

Danni xx