Monday 29 August 2011


I just have to start with this ~ I took this photo,
and while it is a little out of focus,
I just LOVE it - and it is straight off my iPhone -
no instagram or any other app -
that is the colour of the sky the day I took it!

I've been in a bit of a blog fog lately...which is why I've probably relied so much on photos in my last few posts.

There is so much going on in my head and so much I want to write about that I'm not sure where to start, and how to make sense of it all....

Then I remembered Van Gogh's words:

"If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint"...
then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced"

Wise words.

So - here I am! Maybe I'll start with some photos that I've taken recently... I'm using photography as my creative outlet at the moment ( we've all gotta have one, right???) - Plus these images just make me smile - even if they're not techinically perfect! 

As I've mentioned several times before here , here and here impacts my life in a big way. Here's what's been helping me lately. We sing this at Church and I just love it.

Sometimes I feel like I need more of a guiding hand - then I realise that it's there, I'm just not using it! I get too side-tracked sweating the small stuff...

I'm trying very hard to pull myself out of the funk that I'm in at the moment - but sometimes the magnitude of things overwhelms me and I succumb to old ways.... silly, I know.... but in the words of good old Neil Diamond

"...everyone's got rainy days
it isn't so much if, but when"

The sun has been shinig beautifully today and spring is definitely on it's way - the flowers are blooming, the weather is warming up and the kids are loving playing outside again ! So I've focused on that today!

Talk again soon - I'm writing about "Truths" too at the moment - it's pretty confronting - and I think that's where my "block" is....


Danni xx

Friday 26 August 2011

Close your eyes...

....make a wish and blow!

                          You are never given a wish
without also being given the
power to make it come

Sending out lots of love
May all your wishes be

Danni xx

Monday 22 August 2011


Finn turned 4 on the weekend

I asked him what was different about being 4, compared to 3... he replied:
"Well... I wanted a skatebaord and a monster truck and people remembered and I got them when I was 4"

I asked what his favourite animal was, now that he was 4... he replied:

I asked him what his favourite song was, now that he was 4.... he replied:
"Bay-bar" ( Justin Beiber's "Baby") .....
He then said:
"Now I'm 4, I like the letter B... did you notice that Mumma?
What starts with "B"? Try to guess???
You know Mum... c'mon - it's a BEEEEEEEEE" ( insert peals of hysterical "larious" laughter here)

Happy Birthday to my favourite boy in the whole wide world. My life changed 4 years ago and I became  whole. I love you a "fundred" too

Monday 15 August 2011

Stuff that I've Loved this week....

It's been an interesting week this week - full of highs and lows...
but I've chosen to focus on the highs and share the things
that have brought me joy this week ~ hope some of these
make you smile too!

Colour in my otherwise tired and overdue-for-a-makeover bathroom

These beautiful blossoms that I pass on the way to preschool
- a sign that Spring is on it's way!

The beautiful countryside surrounding us

Watching my kids have afternoon tea together after a day at preschool
( can you see Ruby's "ballerina" skirt that HAS to be worn AT.ALL.TIMES!!!??)


Kisses from my boy.... and cuddles from my girl

I love that it takes a special kinda guy to get away with
wearing his sister's sunnies.... and Finn does it so well!

The kids taking turns pushing each other on swings...

A day trip to the "seaside"

Experimenting with my camera!


I'm sure there's plenty of good stuff surrounding you too...
Sometimes we just have to look a little harder to see it...
but it's definitely there

Danni xx

Wednesday 3 August 2011

A little Van Gogh Inspiration again


       " There may be a time in life when one is tired of everything, and feels
as if all one does is wrong, and there may be some truth in it -
do you think this is a feeling one must try to forget and banish,
or is it "the longing for God", which one must not fear,
but cherish to see if it may bring us some good?
Is it "the longing for God" which leads us to make a choice which
we never regret?
Let us keep courage and try to be patient and gentle."

Danni xx

Monday 1 August 2011


Here's what I'm thankful for lately...

My beautiful boy's laugh

Bringing colour to someone else's world

Older generations taking the time to spend with younger ones

Breakfast and coffee with my baby girl


Fresh flowers - they smelt really good too
as you walked in the front door!

Cheeky smiles

Sunny days

Neighbourhood friends

Freckles and blue eyes

Moments captured


Danni xx