Tuesday 31 May 2011

Colour my world

In the light of all this cold, rain and "grey-ness" ..
I thought I'd find the colour in my world and share some with you!

I LOVE pretty tea towels!

These are still from Mother's Day!

Plenty of colour as Ruby's eye heals

Finn making a "bowl - cano"! Such a funny boy!

Hope you can find plenty of colour in YOUR world too

Danni xx

Friday 27 May 2011

Keep smiling..

Busy times at the moment..
Am missing the time to Blog,
but here are some photos of things that have made me smile lately

Snuggle time with my babies in the morning

The fact that despite there being a 2 seater lounge, plus 2 small
kids fold out lounges...
the kids choose to get a book each to sit on to eat their
afternoon apples!
Go figure!

Don't think I really need to say anything do I?

My grubby bub!

Again... speaks for itself, really!

Finn playing " I spy with my little eye.."

My wall decal in the downstairs toilet

On the way home after dropping the kids at preschool today.

Hoping you've had lots to make you smile in your world lately too

Danni xx

Wednesday 18 May 2011


I saw the Oprah show the other day where she interviewed a set of twins that had both been sexually abused by memberS of their family ( yes I meant the capital S ) During the course of the interview - the topic of forgiveness arises.. naturally I guess, given the nature of the show and the topic.

Oprah quoted her favourite definition of Forgiveness:

      "Forgiveness is letting go of the hope that the past can be changed"

I think forgiveness is such a hard thing to do - for the majority of us - maybe because it's also a hard thing to define. I admit - initially when I heard the above quote - I thought it was fabulous and was like "yes, that's it - that's really it - so simple yet, yes! That's it!" ( okay - I can get a little excited about these things sometimes)

However, I have since had time to ponder this a little more - and I really don't think it can be that simple, can it? Or can it? I guess by choosing to forgive, you are choosing to live in the present and  future, rather than in the past. You don't have to forget, but you can release and move forward. It is a conscious decision. The pain and hurt can still be there - it  may just take more time - but the process could be helped along with forgiveness, perhaps?

I think I've come to the conclusion that  forgiveness shouldn't deny responsibility for behaviour. Rather, I think that it means that it's a conscious commitment to not hold the other person in debt for that behaviour. This includes ourselves.

As we know better, we do better. I'm striving to know better....

Danni xx

Monday 16 May 2011

A visit to the local Show...


We took the kids to the local "show" on the weekend. It was the first time that they were old enough to actually get excited about the spectacles that lay before them.

Finn was instantly drawn to  the farm machinery he wanted to pose with his sister for a photo!

I just love this next photo of Finn on a quad bike - I guess he is trying to pull his "tough guy" face - but it only made everyone around crack up laughing! Such a character, my boy.

While Ruby fell in love with all the animals - the joy on her face when she encountered each new animal was priceless - and she wanted to pat them all.

Finn liked the cows and commented to the Big Cheese that they weren't just big, they were
 " 'normous!!!"

I loved the Alpacas - such pretty faces!

Of course there was also the usual games - the Open Mouthed Clowns ( I'm sure there is a proper term for them - but I know that you'll know what I mean...), the Dodgem Cars and  The Biiiig Slides ( which Finn ventured on for the first time - he's usually a bit of a chicken when it comes to these things, but he loved it! ) They went on Pony Rides, "Fished" for Ducks and rode on the Merry-go-Round with their Mumma.

As the sun started to hide, the cold air crept in, the crowds increased and the lights flashed even brighter, creating a magical experience. The look on Ruby's face as she was being carried in her Daddy's arms was of pure wonder at the spectacle and colour of it all - I only wish I had captured that moment too. Instead, the image below was pretty close - she was stoked at a prize of a princess crown, and for the rest of the day insisted on being addressed as "Pincess Ruby"

Danni xx

React or Respond?

Sometimes you just need someone else to verbalise what you already know and/or think, to make you look at things a little differently. Or, to reconfirm what you "think" is right... it can be even better when this reconfirmation comes from an unlikely source or a stranger - somehow it seems to have a bigger impact then. Don't you think?

I've been thinking a lot about my behaviours regarding stressful situations and the kids, as you've read. I don't like how I handle some circumstances. I was reminded recently that I am human and we all slip up and make mistakes and that is part of the humbling job of parenthood - sure, couldn't agree more. But that doesn't mean that I can't try harder, surely? I am trying to act in a more deliberate way, rather than flying off the handle in a grace-less manner, displaying little self control.

 On the way to Church the other night, I was wondering what "lesson" I would come away with... and what impact it would have on me. The address actually covered many topics and touched my heart with a few. The thing, however, that had the biggest impact on my was about "reacting" and "responding" and the differences between these two behaviours.

To react is to act on impulse and usually with emotion at the forefront.

To respond involves a level of conscious control ( not of the situations, but how it impacts you), with thought involved. Thus it is a more "measured" response. This can only be a good thing, yes? - because as most aspects of emotion are over ridden by intellect and a thought- full process.

It is much easier to hypothesise about than to put into practice... but you can never have too many reminders to make you think "What am I doing?" "How am I acting?" "Why am I reacting/responding like this?" "Am I reacting to the actual situation or is there something else affecting how I react/respond?" And I guess most importantly "What is the best way that I can respond?" I think that one's the key.

Danni xx

Sunday 15 May 2011

Feathering my Nest...

With all the chaos, dust and drama going on here at "Chez Cheese" - I have managed an escapism that isn't complete procrastination ( please note I added the complete there) I am so enjoying looking, researching, choosing and of course buying new things as well as "upcycling" ( dont' you just love that term?) some older stuff that we have lying around here - all in the effort to bring some life and positive energy back into our home.

I will do a final post later of the finished product ( although are renovations/maintenance ever finished??) - and because I feel that may be some time before it's done -  I thought I'd show you some of things I have acquired along the way - things that make me smile and represent a little corner of our world ... for various reasons.

I found this little stand quite by accident, but it spoke to me...
so I answered!

2 days later I found this tin plaque - and I knew the perfect spot for it!

Isn't this the sweetest thing? Haven't completely decided where she's going to reside,
but she's very pretty!

My Granny's vase that I pulled out of a packing box.. a perfect vessel to display my daisies

 I admired this fruit bowl before we decided we were renovating the kitchen...
 so when we did,I bought it!

My Mother's Day present - so spoilt!

An oldie but a goodie - I love this colour and want to add more to the kitchen.
Have heard a rumour that Donna Hay has expanded her range recently.....

 I found a little stone birdie to go in here yesterday, no photo yet though

I know, I'm sad... I get excited about nice tea towels

I actually bought these 2 years ago, but never hung them. My laundry and toilet downstairs
are now a lovely rich Olive Green... I think these have a new home

I like to think of these things as ...... pieces of a jigsaw - that when put together will help to contribute to the bigger picture that is our home.

Danni xx

Saturday 14 May 2011

Autumn Skies

I just LOVE this time of year - it's my absolute favourite.

It's not too hot - or too cold yet( although today was very chilly!)

The skies are the most magnificent blue.

The trees are so colourful.

The kids can play happily outside without the worry of sunburn or of getting a cold.

We took the kids to the park on the weekend - it was such a great day- and all four of us were there together - so nice!