Wednesday 26 October 2011

Just another quickie!

Not alot of time to post today but really wanted to share this!

Hugs to you all

Danni xx

Tuesday 25 October 2011


I heard this quote recently and it gave me food for thought.
Hope it does for you too

...when you let your own light shine,
 you unconsciously give others permission to do the same

Shine on

Danni xx

Monday 24 October 2011

New things...

Thought I'd share a sneek peek of my new "study/office/craft" area....
It's not quite finished yet
But I'm a little excited about it...
I've gone with a Red,White and Aqua colour theme...
Stay tuned for further updates!

Thought I'd also share the latest members of our family.
Meet "Goldie" ( Finn's pride and joy) and "Butterfly" ( Ruby just loves the name)

They add lovely colour, movement and tranquility in this sometimes crazy and hectic household -
and they keep me company in the kitchen


Danni xx

Monday 17 October 2011


I know it's been a while... but I'm back!

Here's a reminder
that sometimes it's the simple things in life
that bring the most joy!

Our wonderful friends and neighbours set up a
slip'n'slide yesterday for the kids
as the weather was just

So much fun!!

With my love and thoughts
as always

Danni xx