Wednesday 29 June 2011


I've been thinking a lot lately about what a "lucky" country we live in. We have freedom. Freedom of choice. This is something that is a bizarre concept for some cultures - and yet we take it for granted all too often.

I have the freedom of choice about what to wear, who I can marry ( to a degree I know) , whether I chose to have a religion or not, freedom of information, the freedom to experience different nationalities and cultures and belief systems. Unlike others ;who know nothing other than what they are born into ~ they have no choice.

We are very quick to judge other cultures, races, religions and creeds without thinking about what it must be like to be born into them. We forget that some of them know nothing about choice. Or freedom. They only know what they know - and to them, that is their reality. An assumption can be made that to them, it is every ones reality. They know no better. So who are we to judge? Who are we to be intolerant?

I recently experienced a dialogue of someone born into a life and belief system  that is SO far from my reality that it is hard to accept as anything other than cruel and wrong. However to this man, it was his reality. He explained he knew nothing other than this way of thinking. That when you are born into it and surrounded by it, you just live it because you know nothing else - you have nothing to compare it to. If you constantly experience and are surrounded by hatred and bitterness - then you know only that. If you have never experienced love or acceptance or peace or grace or any of the fundamental elements of human kindness, then how can you know them? How can we judge that?

We do this too, in our own way. Because we have freedom - of choice, information and technology, we find it hard to accept that it's not every one's reality.We assume that everyone has the same experiences and opportunities. How wrong we are. Maybe we don't assume, we forget? Or maybe we just don't think about it at all?

While I'm not condoning belief systems that are destructive and immoral, I try to see things from a different perspective before making judgements. For while I was lucky enough to be born into freedom, others aren't.

I guess it comes back to the tolerance I talked about in a previous post. Tolerance is different to acceptance - and I think this is also something that we need to distinguish between. You can tolerate anothers beliefs without accepting them .It's about understanding before judging.

Tolerance could perhaps been seen as the ability to disagree with something, yet understand it and respect it's place in the grand scheme of things? What are your thoughts?

Yours in Peace

Danni xx

Monday 27 June 2011

Summary Sunday!

It's been a while since I've taken the time to stop and think about what I have to be thankful for this past week - I randomly do of course but to really think and look back on my week in a positive light is what is needed today!

A few close encounters of the non-patient/non-tolerant and inappropriate kind this week from myself - something to keep in check this next week going forward. It's all about lifes' lesson's isn't it???

In no particular order:

I am grateful for my beloved camera. This is like another child to me and I take it just about anywhere... I'm such a lucky girl ... a good camera enables you to take lots of lovely pics... and the wonder of digital photography allows you to take 563 thousand photos before you get one decent one.. without running up exorbitant processing bills.

Finally my very OWN photo of a dandelion on my Blog!

I am thankful that I have my health,  a roof over my head, clothes on my back and people who love me surrounding me. So many others less fortunate than ourselves out there. I  really am blessed. I have a LOT to smile about.

It made my heart melt when my 2 babies were sick together this week ~ they gave each other "huggles" and shared blankets, tissues and water bottles. I love that they are still so full of love even with high temps and sore tummies. I love that they can still smile - even when feeling really rotten.

I am thankful for some sunshine after all the rain and grey-ness we've had lately - great for a day trip out to a park with bubbles and Ice-cream ! The kids had their first ever ( soft serve) "Mr Whippy" van ice cream... I think the photos speak for themselves!

I was thinking this week how very lucky I am to have a bit of an artistic "eye" - and how that allows me to be a bit creative and to do things on a budget ( which pleases the Big Cheese ) . I found a gorgeous little magnet that had "Welcome - family faith & friends" on it - and knew straight away what I wanted to do with it. Found the perfect frame ( which coincidentally matches my little clock) and voila! another piece to add to my vignette on the foyer/entrance dresser/bookcase/junk storage thingy!

This week had some trying moment but also some wonderful laughs and conversations with people very dear to me. I am very blessed with the friends in my life.I love that they "get" me and know what makes me tick ... and what gives me the giggles.... I love that a quick phone conversation can put so many things back into perspective when feeling a little lost ( for example a text message from a very dear ( and very loopy) friend of mine asking me if I'd ever noticed that the cartoon character Miffy's Mum had a moustache.. and if I had noticed.... was I as concerned about this issue as she was?And did I want to join the crusade in saving Miffy's Mum from looking just like her Dad, but with a pearl necklace????? ) ( please remember that I DID preface the description of this friend as loopy!!! But oh how I love her loopy-ness!)

I wish that I could take away my friend's pain and sorrow sometimes and replace it with rainbows and happiness. I hate feeling helpless when friends are struggling with difficult times.I have learnt ( finally ) not to take other's issues on board, but I still hurt when they hurt and want to make it all go away for them. I wish I knew the right things to say.  I can't take it all away - but I'll Close my eyes, make a wish and blow.


Danni xx

P.S: It's just a little after midnight Sunday.... I think this can still count as Summary Sunday! The Photos took too long to ... oh well doesn't matter! Talk soon xx

Saturday 18 June 2011

One of my favourite things ....

Don't you just LOVE to have a steaming hot long shower on a cold windy night after standing ironing for 4+hours??? Please note : yes I said long! No interruptions, no keeping an ear out for sibling domestics, no cleaning the shower while in it... Just a long hot shower to wind down the day...

Next best thing is climbing into a freshly made warm bed in comfy, snuggly pjs to read and regroup before drifting off to sleep... Ahhhhh

BTW ~  I had lost my blogging mojo for a bit - but be warned - I'm back with a vengeance! Things have settled down a little here and there isn't quite as much chaos as there  previously was ... so am not as exhausted and brain fried at the end of the day... and lots of ideas, thoughts and photos to share with you. See you soon

Lotsa Lots

Danni xx

Thursday 2 June 2011


I read recently that a 6 yr old child laughs anywhere from 300-600 times a day, but the average adult only laughs from 15-150 times a day.

This got me thinking. How sad is that? How sad is it that as we age, we lose the ability to laugh so freely? Of course I understand that "life" and the responsibilities that come along with it can get in the way... but surely we still all have the capacity to laugh more?

You don't stop laughing cause you grow old.
You grow old cause you stop laughing!

The best sound in the world to me is my kids laughter - individually it makes my heart sing - laughing together lifts my heart so high it soars! There is something so infectious about laughter - it really can leave you feeling so uplifted and good!

My neighbour mentioned to me the other day that she could hear my friend and I laughing over coffee, as she hung clothes on her line - and she said it was just so nice to hear - that it made her smile and feel like laughing too! How great is that???

Since I read this, I have tried to make a conscious effort to laugh more - or at the very least - find more to laugh about - or even try to find the funny side of things! I try to ensure  as a balance to all the negative ( "don't do that" "no you can't have that" ...) that I make my kids laugh a few times each and every day. This is not hard to do - my kids are such gigglers! I love that. Just something as simple as a kiss on the neck is enough to send Finn into hysterical laughter - couple that with a little tickle and he's putty in your hands. Ruby loves to play the "No, I love YOU more" game - and this is a sure fire way of getting her to be the giggling gertie that I love.... such simple things.

Wishing you days full of laughter...

Danni xx

( BTW.... if you want a laugh right now... I read this "fact" on the strip of paper that protects the "sticky bit" of a panty liner .... )

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Thought for the day...

" I can't change the direction of the wind,
 but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination"

Wishing you smooth sailing and calm seas

Danni xx