Tuesday 1 November 2011

It's the new Black you know....

So, I turned the big 4-0 a few days ago - I have had a wonderful celebration - I'm calling it the Festival of my 40th!

On my actual Birthday the Big Cheese, Ruby and I went into the city - shopping for part of my Birthday present.... we walked out of the shop with not 1, that's right folks, but 2 of these:

Lucky girl, right???
( understatement of the year!)
The Big Cheese commented that he's ruined poor Ruby for life -
having had her first Tiffany & Co experience at 2 1/2!

I have been so completely overwhelmed by the events of the last couple of days - I am still floating!

Saturday the Big Cheese organised for me to get my hair done!
 Then my wonderful friend Karen took me out to get our nails done
 and then off for a nice lunch and a few (too many) of these:

Then we were picked up and came back home to what I thought was a dinner to be with just a couple of close friends.... but look at this face:

I think that says it all - don't you????

Yep - you guessed it - the Big Cheese had organised a small surprise get together with some of my nearest and dearest friends.

It was just overwhelming ( have I mentioned that???)
There were friends there that I'd known since I was 3, 23 and 33 ...
 there were friends from so many stages of my life
 and each and every one of them has a huge chunk of my heart!
We had a great night - albeit a late one with a few too many bubbles consumed ;) !!
I was blessed by so many wonderful gifts - each one holding there own significance to me. 

My gorgeous friend Trine made me this - 
it was sitting on my doorstep when I got home

( the box has 40 Lollipops in it!!!)

And flowers! Oh my! My house smells DIVINE 

My eldest niece made me a gorgeous "banner" to go on the door ~ she
picked each petal and painstakingly stuck them on! ( she's 5)

And I just have to share the card she made me...
she kept having to add layers to the cake to fit all my candles on...
then realised she put 46 on there... "oh well..."

Don't you just love it??

And I will be soon doing a post about the (almost) completed renovations - but I can't wait to share this: 


My sister and parents bought this for my Birthday - isn't it STUNNING!!! I just love it - and can't wait for my afternoon cup of green tea tomorrow - I will assume the position!!! It is in my new 'study" - a perfect spot with the afternoon sun streaming in!

I am truly blessed to have such wonderful people in my life - and if it's true - that life begins 40 - the preview I've had looks pretty fine!

Love  and light to you all

Danni xx

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Danni xx